
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Link to Book PDF

Thank you for sharing, Kamyl! Here's a link to a pdf for the text if you forget to bring your book home.

Monday, March 13, 2017

A few new words... and snow plans!

Here are a few new words you'll see in Chapter 14 of The Westing Game:

familiarity - (in this context) - relaxed friendliness or intimacy between people
obsequious - extremely obedient or attentive

Don't forget to wear your pajamas inside-out tonight so we can all be snowed in like the tenants at Sunset Towers! Here's the vocab homework schedule for the next couple of days. Please complete the following and remember to study for your Unit 12 vocab test. We will still have our vocab quiz at the end of this week. As of right now, the only reading you will be doing at home is Chapter 14. Please see the homework section for the reading check questions you'll complete when we return.

Mon. - CTRW
Tues. - Syn/Ant
Wed. - CTS

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