
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

6-2 Cleopatra Questions, 51-75

Please remember to write in complete sentences. Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar are part of your grade.

1. What caused all the blood in the palace hallway?

2. Who does Cleopatra's father compare her to and how did that make her feel?

3. Name one way the royal ship kept away from pirates.

4. What does Trypahena write in her message to her father and Cleopatra?

5. Why does Cleopatra think she will have to speak to Caesar herself?

6. What did Cleopatra write in the note to Tryphaena and why did she say this?

7. What did Cleopatra ask Olympus to do?

8. Who is the god, Dionysus?

9. Why does Cleopatra issue a royal decree forbidding anyone from the ship to dive for treasure?

10. On the island of Malta, why did Cleopatra ask Isis to forgive her?

11. What does "Auletes" mean and how did it mock Cleopatra's father?

12. Once Cleopatra was at sea again and on her way to Sicily, what indicated that "reason" had once again returned to Cleopatra?

13. Who did Cleopatra and Puzo visit in Syracuse and what did Cleopatra learn about this person?

14. What did Cleopatra discover about her father when she talked to him about Julius Caesar?

15. How is Cleopatra learning to become a queen?

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Correcting Run-On Sentences Practice

Copy and paste the link into your browser. Then, complete the answers  by writing a grammatically correct form of the sentence on your own paper.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

6-2 Cleopatra Questions

6-2 Reading Questions
Cleopatra, pgs. 26 – 50
Due TUES., April 28th

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. You do not need to write the question. Just remember to use complete sentences and to avoid starting a sentence with a pronoun.

1. According to Cleopatra’s father, why should amazing ideas from “learned” men stay within the palace walls?

2. What is a secret that Cleopatra and her friend Olympus share?

3. What bad news did Olympus share with Cleopatra on 15 Januarius?

4. Why did the people of Egypt hate Cleopatra’s father?

5. Describe Father’s plan to come out of hiding and reclaim his throne.

6. Where is Ptolemy going on a ship and why?

7. Why did Cleopatra visit the agora?

8. Who was the Arab in the flowing dishdasha?

9. Give two examples observed by Cleopatra while at the agora that confirmed what Olympus had said about her father.

10. What was found nailed to Bucephalu’s stall?

11. Why did Puzo make Neva and Cleopatra return so abruptly after visiting her island?

12. Who is Theophilus and what does his name mean?

13. Olympus, Theophilus and Cleopatra’s visit was interrupted by a messenger. What news did he share with Cleopatra?

14. Where did Cleopatra go to see for herself whether her father was leaving Alexandria?

15. What did Cleopatra see when she finally reached the top of the lighthouse?

16. Was Cleopatra’s father leaving Alexandria? How did she know for sure?

17. Who does Cleopatra bring with her when she joins her father on the ship?

18. Who was trying to poison Cleopatra?