
Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Westing Game

As we continue to read, start to picture the characters in your mind. When we turn our classroom into Detective Headquarters, we're going to need some sketches of each of our characters!

Image result for the westing game

Click the link below for a little bio on the author:
(image from

Friday, February 3, 2017

Parts of Speech Menu

Hello everyone! Please take some time this weekend to brainstorm/prepare for your parts of speech menu. Please refer to the handout I distributed yesterday for the details and requirements. We will be revisiting prepositions on Monday and talking about prepositional phrases all week so that you'll be fully prepared for the last part of speech required on the list. Remember to be creative and to go back through your project when you've finished to make sure you've highlighted all of the parts of speech in the appropriate color. You may use a plain sheet of paper or something designed graphically and printed, but please remember that specific colors must be used to underline the parts of speech (either print in color or go back and underline with colored markers). Please make sure your menu is neat and creative. If you want to go the extra mile, I suggest laminating your menu.

The due date for this project is Monday, February 13th. Have fun!!!