
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Mad Libs!

Hello everyone! Let's review parts of speech again today with a Mad Libs activity.

Here are the instructions for your packet:

1. Write a short story on the First Draft sheet (approx. two paragraphs).

2. Using the second page (I've listed the clues for you), find ten words which fit the clues and highlight them. For example:

Your first part of speech (or "clue") is an adjective. Find the first adjective in your story and highlight it.
Your second clue is a noun. Find the first noun in your story and highlight it.
Keep going until you've highlighted all the clues and have all the parts of speech on the clue list.

4. Rewrite your story on the Final Draft page - but leave the words you've highlighted in your first draft out of the story. Instead, keep those spaces blank.

5. Pair up with a classmate and, on a separate sheet of paper, have your friend supply ten words that match the clue list (an adjective, a noun, and so on). You will do the same thing for your friend. (Everyone has the same clue list so you can just look at your clue list to make up the words.) Then fill out your final draft page with your friend's words and give it to your friend to read. Now everyone's got a silly story to share. :)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Creative Writing Assignment Tuesday, 2/25

Please bring your creative writing assignment tomorrow. The required length is three paragraphs. Choose from the following:

1. You have stumbled upon a wand and an instruction manual. You can do pretty much anything with this magical device, but it is probably best to keep it semi-secret for the time being. Describe your first couple of weeks with this new found life hack.

2. You live in a world where cars are obsolete because griffins take everybody around (starting around 1990). How does this change traffic patterns and roads? Are you still late to school or work because of your "vehicle?"

3. The world you live in is essentially the same...present day, same technologies...except everybody lives in castles and is trying to work their way up to knighthood (including women). Detail a typical day in your life.

4. You must go on a quest to save the world from impending doom! What do you bring, who do you bring with you, and what is this evil presence that is threatening the planet?

5. You wake up in the morning and you have become a centaur. Are you the only one? How are you going to go to work or school like this? What changes have occured in your life after this transformation.

6. You are taking your dog for a walk when he starts talking to you. In fact, all the animals in the world have just become extremely conscious and have begun talking to their masters. How does this change things? A new civil rights movement, perhaps?

7. Create your own fantasy world using any of the following elements: magic, elves, secret dungeon, a captured prince, and a self-replenishing bag of gold.

8. During a tornado, your house flies away "Wizard of Oz" style and ends up in a fantastical realm. Where is it and how do you go about your quest to get home?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Grammar Video

Hello all! It's the Rainbow Unicorns here with all the info you need for your grammar video, which is due on TUESDAY, FEB. 18.

The video your group makes must:
1. Include the following information we've learned about complete sentences:
     - The subject of a sentence is who or what the sentence is about (the nouns). Multiple subjects =
        a compound subject.
    - The predicate tells what the subject is or does (the verbs). Multiple predicates = a compound
2. Give examples of the information above.
3. Be at least one minute long. (Please, no longer than 4 minutes.)
4. Include a song or a rap being sung/performed by one or all of the group members.

Remember, your video can feature your group members, puppets, animations, anything. Be creative! Also, please remember to let me know if your group needs to use the school video camera. We will have class time to work on this project, but I encourage you to get together with your friends outside of school and film this at home with all of your awesome devices and software. Show us what you can do!

You will be graded on:
1. Grammar Rules/Examples (Did you explain the subject/predicate rules well? Does the audience now understand what subjects and predicates are?)
2. Song or rap component
3. Length
4. Creativity
5. Teamwork

Have fun!