
Friday, September 26, 2014

Weekend Writing Assignment for 6-1

Due Monday:

Imagine how things might have been different had Lucy chosen to follow Aslan right away instead of going with the other children and the Dwarf. Write a scene or two (about a page; feel free to write more if you'd like) to follow the scene in which Lucy first spots Aslan in Chapter 9. In your scene(s) have Lucy insist on following Aslan regardless of what the other children choose. Imagine what might happen next.

Format: Word or Google Doc

- Double-spaced
- Use spell-check and complete sentences
- Paragraph format (like a story)
- 11-point font

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Letters from the Moon to the Sun

Hey guys! Just wanted to post a couple of creative letters I received from your assignment Thursday. I thought these were pretty great - and they really did a nice job of using the right format (a letter). Enjoy!

From 6-2, by J.B.:

Dear Sun,
It’s been so long! I having a great time here near earth. How about you?
Earth and I have been having a blast together. We have planned a ton of moon eclipses for the people on Earth. How is Mercury doing? Is he still on the medication?

So I was thinking we can plan a meeting for us to see each other again. Maybe during our eclipses Earth and I have planned, or maybe I can come over and ask pluto to take over for me? Well anyways, The eclipses are 10 Earth days apart, which is 1 day apart to us. So maybe you can get ready during the day and come over? Also Mars is gonna come and help us with the eclipses. There are gonna be a total of 10 eclipses. Well anyways, if you can come over, please come!

I’m also gonna be hosting the Milky Way Galaxy Awards, which is in a month. Isn’t that cool? Plus, the co-host is Jupiter. Maybe we can win Best system award this year! Hopefully we can. Well, tell everyone i said hi!


                The Moon

And from 6-1, by K.M.:

hello,its me moon and i just wanted to say our chat yesterday was nice and we should do it again and when are we going to put on the big show when we have that cungunction? also we are having a meating on monday about how mars grew a pimple (plant) and he is worryed that ailens are going to find it...or worse...HUMANS,there devices they call ‘rovers’ are all over us,also earth is sick with pollution so there might be some bad weather down there for the humans,and pluto is still debating about how e is being left out and that he should be a plant too,haily the comet is almost ready to put on her bb show,and i am growing another crader,so we need to remove the plant on mars ASAP. i know we just meet but,i think your are my friend if so send back a note that is not burned please

                                                                                             your friend i think,
                                                                                                            the moon

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Creative Writing Assignment 1

Your first short story should be between 150 and 300 words. Remember to use the Microsoft Word Count feature to check your story length.

Please remember to double-space your paper. Also, please use Calibri font, size 11. This should already be your default setting. Standard paragraph format (use the tab button to indent).

Your story prompt:
"The Day the Power Went Out..."

Remember, this is your story. There is a power outage. How devastating this power outage is, where it occurs, and who is involved is up to you. Just remember what we talked about in class about what makes a story a "story" - there needs to be some sort of conflict or problem and a resolution.

I can't wait to read your first story! This is due next week when I see you again for Creative Writing. Please don't print your story out - save it to your computer instead. I will show you how to share it with me electronically next week.